Sunday, February 16, 2025

RAMO RCS Gold LT Rotary File

RAMO RCS Gold LT Rotary File

Instructions For USE : 
RAMO RCS Gold LT Rotary File
  1. Indication For Use
  •  For the removal of dentin and the shaping of the root canal.
2. Contraindications
  • The product contains nickel, so it should not be used for any patient with allergic to this material. 
3. Warnings
  • Rotary files are non- Sterile products and should be sterilized before use.
4. Precautions
  • Please use the file with caution before you become proficient in its use. Length determination is very much important. The use of radiographs and an Apex locator are two methods of length determination. These instruments are to be used only in clinical or Hospital environment  by qualified users following good dental practice( using Gloves, glasses, and a dental dam, etc.).
  • A slow speed handpiece, Contra Angle with Adjustable Speed, Torque,  Direction and auto reverse function is required. 
  • Recommended speed is 350 RPM and Torque is 2.0 N

  • Straight-lines access is prerequisite for Proper Root Canal Treatment. 
  • Always use minimal apical pressure. Never force the files down the canal.
  • Clean and Inspect the flutes frequently during the instrumentation. 
  • Frequently irrigate, recapitulate and irrigate the canal throughout the procedure, minimally after using each file. 
  • Use shaping files with a brushing action on the withdrawal stroke  in order to create straight- line access and to passively progress apically. 
  • Finishing files should follow the canal passively to working length. 
  • When instrumenting the canal, select appropriately sized instruments as choosing an overly large file can lead to dangerous over -enlargement of the coronal portion of narrow root forms. Additionally, too large a file taken to length increases the risk of the separation. 
5. Adverse Reactions:
  • Nothing found yet.
6. Usage Protocol:

7. Sterilization
Files must be sterilized before use. 
  • Scrub the instruments with soap and warm water. 
  • Rinse thoroughly with distilled or deionized water.
  • Allow to air dry.
  • Place the instruments, unwrapped, in the autoclave tray.
  • Use fresh distilled or deionized water. 
  • Steam Autoclave at 134 degree Celsius for 20 minutes. 
  • RCS GOLD LT rotary files are single patient use instruments
  • Recommend file disposal: Place used files in a Biohazzard Sharps container. 

8. Storage Method
The products should not be stored together with the toxic substances, chemicals and harmful substances, and should be stored in the relative humidity is not more than 80%, no corrosive gas and well-ventilated room.

9. Production Date and Expiry Date
As shown in the packaging seal or label. 

10. Expiry Date
The packaged root canal file shall be be valid for five years from the date of manufactured under all conditions of observing the storage, transportation and use rules. 

11. Symbolic Interpretation

Source:  RAMO RCS Gold LT Rotary File user manual.