- Company Name.
- Company Origin ( Device Manufactured Country).
- X-ray Machine Model.
- Quality and Features of Dental X-ray Machine.
- GoMax AC Dental X-ray Machine ( Floor Movable and Wall Mounting)( Made in India).
- Technomac AC Dental X-ray Machine ( Floor Movable and Wall Mounting)(Made in India).
- Runyes AC Dental X-ray Machine ( Floor movable Ray98M/Ray68M , wall Mount Ray98W/Ray68W) ( Made in China)
- Carestream AC Dental X-ray Machine ( Wall Mounting, Model: CS2100 ) ( High Quality of Dental X-ray, Manufactured in USA).
- Portable Digital Dental X-ray Machine Price In Nepal:
- Runyes Portable DC X-ray Machine ( Camera Type: Model: RAY98P) (Made in China).
- WoodPecker Portable DC Dental X-ray Machine ( Gun Type, Made in China).
Mostly, the portable DC Dental x-ray are manufactured in China. The Quality of those x-ray are export quality and Genuine.
GoMax and Technomac X-ray price will be in the range of 65000/- for both Floor Movable and Wall mounting.
Runyes AC Dental X-ray will cost in the range of 1,40,000/- for both( Mobile and wall mounting).
Carestream CS2100 is one of AC Dental X-ray made in United States of America. It is the King of the Dental X-ray. It is quite expensive than all the other types of Dental X-ray. It comes with wall mounting only. It costs around 3,50,000/-.
Now, while talking about Portable DC X-ray Machine, Its price ranges from 95000 to 1,65,000/- .
Please Contact us for the exact price rate from the contact form on the right side.
Thank you.